Trump’s latest task farce committee opens with confusion


President Donald Trump is eagerly seeking the nation’s top business thinkers for a panel to guide the reopening of the country, though it remains unclear who will serve on his “Opening the Country Council” or what its express purpose might be.

The process of convening the group has become another scramble for a White House still working to confront the coronavirus pandemic, which has shut down entire sectors and sent unemployment skyrocketing.

The details of the committee have already changed several times in recent days, one official told CNN. Who will participate and what they will look to do remains fluid even though Trump said he will formally announce the council Tuesday.

 “It’s a mess right now,” someone in close contact with the White House said.

 The new task force — or multiple task forces — isn’t to be confused with the existing coronavirus task force, the assemblage of administration officials and doctors assigned to combat the public health crisis.

Article submitted by, Fiscal Guy.