Trump encourages Wing Nuts to protest virus restrictions in three states with Democratic governors

Trump took to Twitter to encourage people to protest against “virus restrictions in three states with Democratic governors, less than a day after advising governors to “call your own shots” on reopening.”

Stay home, wing nuts in VA. They’re coming for your GUNZ!

Trump’s tweets were a remarkable example of a president egging on demonstrators. Earlier this week, more than 1,000 protesters organized by conservative groups created a traffic jam on the streets around the State Capitol in Lansing, Mich., to complain that the restrictions were bad for small businesses. Other protesters, not in vehicles, waved banners in support of Mr. Trump and protested Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who has been a target of his ire, by chanting, “Lock her up.”

In St. Paul, Minn., a group calling itself “Liberate Minnesota” held a protest Friday in violation of stay-at-home orders in front of the home of Gov. Tim Walz. Hundreds showed up, according to news reports. The group’s Facebook page says that “now is the time to demand Governor Walz and our state legislators end this lock down!”


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