Franklin Graham: Don’t be afraid of coronavirus — ‘we all die’ anyway


In a Saturday Facebook post, Christian evangelist Franklin Graham, says the “left-wing media” is creating “great headlines” and “fear”  and are projecting “the worse-case scenarios” about the coronavirus pandemic.

“I agree that COVID-19 may be around for a while—human coronavirus has already been around in some form for many years,” Graham wrote. “But as a nation and as individuals, we have to learn to live with pandemics, whether it’s coronavirus or any other. We can’t hide in a cave until the world is free from every virus or threat.”

“It is estimated that heart disease will take the lives of 640,000 people across our country this year and cancer is expected to claim over 600,000 lives as well,” Graham wrote. “One thing is 100% certain—we will all die. Each one of us will have to meet death. With the dark storm clouds of COVID-19 still hanging low, we need to go on with living our lives and doing our work, while taking personal responsibility.”

He added that the media and liberal politicians want to use the coronavirus to destroy Trump.


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