After new cases emerge, Wuhan to test all residents for coronavirus in 10 days

Millions of people in Wuhan will be tested for the novel coronavirus within the coming days, after a new cluster of cases emerged despite a strict 76-day lockdown that was intended to eliminate the virus from the central Chinese city.

Over the weekend, six new cases were reported in the city, the first in 35 consecutive days. None of the new cases were imported from overseas, sparking concern that the infection could still be spreading in the city where the virus is thought to have first emerged.

The ambitious screening drive, described in the report as a “ten-day battle,” could see up to 11 million people tested — more than the entire population of Greece.

Source: MSN

I recall Trump say that the virus would just disappear?

The Chinese enacted a much stricter lock down then the USA. Wuhan was down to zero new cases, cautiously opened up, and are now seeing the start of a second wave.

In America, we have people claiming tyranny, illegally open restaurants, and protesting while open carrying guns at state capitols because 2 months of stay at home orders infringes on their “freedum”.

Article submitted by, Darkillusion.