Almost 50% of church goers now think Trump was ‘anointed by God’!


The belief that President Donald Trump, as well as presidents in general, were ‘anointed by God’ has increased considerably among church attendees, according to a recent report,” the Christian Post reports.

“Among white Protestants who attended church once a week or more, belief that Trump was anointed by God had increased from 29.6% last year to 49% this year, according to a report titled ‘Trump the Anointed?’ that was published by Religion in Public.”

“Last August, Trump garnered controversy when, during a press conference that included a question about trade negotiations with China, he called himself ‘the chosen one,’” the report continues. “Trump later walked back his comment, claiming in a tweet that he was being sarcastic and that the reporters present knew he was just joking.

On the same day, Trump retweeted a comment by conservative radio host Wayne Allyn Root, comparing the president to the ‘King of Israel” and “the Second Coming.’”


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