Fox Freaks Out Over Fauci

Tucker Carlson called Anthony Fauci the “chief buffoon” in a meltdown rant after the epidemiologist warned about a premature opening of the country before a Senate Health Committee on Tuesday.

Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham also responded with accusations that Fauci was siding with the left in keeping the coronavirus pandemic in the spotlight until the November election.

Carlson in particular whined about Fauci not even being an elected official, and that he has had the same job for over forty years. The nerve of that Fauci! The Fox News viewers never elected him to be in charge!

“This is not the result of any kind of democratic process at work at all,” he continued. “Yet, in the last four months, Fauci has become one of the most powerful people in the world. And some, particularly in our media and in our Democratic establishment, are clamoring to give Dr. Fauci even more power.”

This was at HuffPost.