CDC Releases Revised Guidance on Re-Opening After White House Blocked a “Too Prescriptive” Draft

The CDC released new watered down guidelines on Thursday for businesses and organizations to reopen safely, after the White House rejected at least two earlier versions with more details.

For instance, a 63-page unpublished draft reported by the Associated Press on Wednesday suggested schools separate children’s belongings and consider keeping cafeterias and playgrounds closed if possible. For camps, it suggested restricting attendance to those coming from areas with low transmission. The documents published Thursday did not include these recommendations.

Previously leaked document for mass transit encouraged agencies to add floor decals or colored tape to ensure people were standing six feet apart. Those recommendations were excluded from the documents published Thursday, which recommended closing every other row of seats to enforce distancing.

Included were separate documents on guidance for schools, workplaces, camps, child-care programs, mass transit systems, and bars and restaurants.

Churches were advised earlier to stream services, limit the number of attendees and offer drive-through services, but the Thursday release did not include any recommendations for religious institutions.

Also not included in the documents were the Trump administration’s guidelines for the phases of reopening after seeing a steady decline in cases.

See details at Politico.