It’s 5:00 Somewhere

It’s been a while since I’ve sat at an actual bar or roundtable for a group cocktail.  Probably longer than I’m willing to admit, and definitely longer than a national lockdown has kept most of us from being in dining and drinking establishments.  Boy, to be in Wisconsin right now, huh?  We are really missing out on something special, aren’t we?  No?  Well, maybe not.  Luckily we have our trusty little virus-free safe space in the News Views Lounge.

Oh, but the days of meeting up with some friends on a Friday after the whistle blew was something to earn, wasn’t it?  Whatever you were having, the first one was special, and it tasted so good knowing you deserved it after putting up with the annoying co-worker all week — or the boss who seemed to never give you credit for coming in when you’d really rather have won the lottery and be out on your boat.  And maybe this week (or last week?) Friday found you ready to take off your mask and settle into the couch after fighting a new and different working environment, where maybe you are trying to complete your tasks with half of your co-workers present, or trade partners still unopened, or a hundred other scenarios that just suck.  These are crazy times, and we have to bend without breaking.  Hang in there, everyone!

But while I was trying to come up with a topic to discuss today in our virtual happy hour, I thought it might be fun to remember some classic bar scenes from movies.  Without blinking, I can tell you straight up what my favorite one is.  Do you like apples?

Lucky for me, my husband still allows me to maintain a relationship with my boyfriend, Matt Damon. We even went to Mars together once.

So post your favorites bar scenes, or if you don’t have a favorite, play us some music.  And if you don’t have any good tunes on your mind, take a deep breath and tell us how your week went, whether you were at work or not. 

And whether or not you were at work, it’s been a job just keeping our sanity – today disqus has had its way with me and I apologize to anyone I unintentionally ignored because “notifications” are  down…….

Cheers, ladies and gentlemen, it’s 5:00 somewhere.