Trump’s anti-Biden conspiracy theories dealt major blow by Ukrainian audit

Ukraine found no evidence against Hunter Biden in case audit: former top prosecutor

KIEV (Reuters) – An audit of thousands of old case files by Ukrainian prosecutors found no evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Hunter Biden, the former prosecutor general Ruslan Ryaboshapka, who had launched the audit, told Reuters.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy described Ryaboshapka as “100 percent my person” on a call in July 2019 in which Trump asked Zelenskiy to investigate Biden, the man who became his main rival in the 2020 presidential race.


“Regarding the call to Zelenskiy and this story with Burisma. I can say that there was no pressure on me,” Ryaboshapka said. “The audit was completed.”

“I specifically asked prosecutors to check especially carefully those facts about Biden’s alleged involvement. They answered that there was nothing of the kind,” he added.

The Guardian

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