NBC/WSJ Poll: 80 percent of voters say things are out of control

Joe Biden maintains lead over Trump in new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll as a majority of voters remain concerned about coronavirus, economy.

“Out of control — that’s America in 2020,” said Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, who helped conduct this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff and his GOP colleagues at Public Opinion Strategies.

“[It’s] one of the few things Americans can agree upon, and the one finding that we can definitively state given the tumult and torment of the past 12 days,” Horwitt added.


Eight-in-10 voters believe that things are out of control in the United States, with majorities still concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, pessimistic about the economy returning to normal before next year and down on President Donald Trump’s ability to unite the nation.

Those are the major findings of a brand-new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that was conducted May 28 to June 2 — during the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, as the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus surpassed 100,000 and after millions have lost their jobs.

NBC/WSJ conducted the poll before Friday’s bigly, misleading jobs report.

Biden bests Trump 2-1 on the ability to bring the country together

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