Donors threaten to cut ties over Ivanka Trump’s cancelled speech

“I have been very impressed with Jay Golden from the beginning,” Lynn Stephan said. “I was impressed that he listened to the 500 or so people who responded about Ivanka Trump . . . and asked why she was a role model for the students who were graduating. And he listened. I’m very distressed, frankly, to learn that a couple of extraordinarily rich people could change what the public expressed.”

The Wichita Eagle:

Wichita continues to reel over the fallout from Ivanka Trump’s selection and subsequent cancellation as the speaker for WSU Tech’s commencement this year.

The Eagle on Wednesday reported that Wichita State University donors are threatening to cut ties and pull support from the university if the Kansas Board of Regents doesn’t fire WSU president Jay Golden over the issue.

Pressure was put on the Wichita State administration after Jennifer Ray, WSU associate professor of photo media, authored a scathing open letter asking the university to cancel Trump.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!