“Trump will ‘Get there’ on understanding players kneeling.”-Ben Carson

Ben practices his butt kissing technique

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson on Monday predicted that President Trump will come around to understanding professional athletes who kneel in protest during the national anthem, even as he indicated as recently as last week he still opposed the gesture.

Carson spoke with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt about systemic racism and protests amid the ongoing unrest in response to George Floyd’s death. Carson, who is the lone black Cabinet member in the Trump administration, expressed optimism Trump would shift his view of athletes kneeling during the anthem.

“Well, I don’t think he has manifested as much animosity in that region lately,” Carson said. “And I think we just continue to work him. He’ll get there.”

Carson argued that it’s important for players who kneel during the anthem to educate the public on why they’re doing it to make clear the protest isn’t about the flag as Trump and others have claimed.

The Hill:

Article submitted by, Adamas.