Franklin Graham fumes over SCOTUS ruling: My rights to fire LGBTQ people ‘are the freedoms our nation was founded on’ !


In a post to his Facebook page, Graham railed against the decision, saying that it “erodes religious freedoms across this country.”

 I believe this decision erodes religious freedoms across this country. People of sincere faith who stand on God’s Word as their foundation for life should never be forced by the government to compromise their religious beliefs.  Christian organizations should never be forced to hire people who do not align with their biblical beliefs and should not be prevented from terminating a person whose lifestyle and beliefs undermine the ministry’s purpose and goals. 

As a Bible-believing follower of Jesus Christ, my rights should be protected.  Even if my sincerely held religious beliefs might be the minority, I still have a right to hold them. The same holds true for a Christian organization. These are the freedoms our nation was founded on.

DEEP State

“I find this to be a very sad day,” he said. 

NY Times

This is a scripture and/or proselytizing free zone.

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it