Martha McSally Proposes TRIP Act to Give $4,000 Vacation Tax Credit

As Trump is on his way to Arizona, Senator Martha McSally has proposed the American TRIP Act that would include a $4,000 tax credit to promote domestic travel of more than 50 miles. The TRIP Act would include a $4,000 credit for individuals, $8,000 for joint filers, and $500 per dependent child.

The credit could be used for expenses such as accommodations and entertainment for trips further than 50 miles from the principal home.

In a statement, McSally said: “The tourism and hospitality industries were among the hardest hit sectors across the country and their revival is critical to our economic recovery.”

Designed as socialism a jumpstart to the tourism industry, former presidential candidate Andrew Yang tweeted his limited support of the deal.

See the story at Newsweek.