If it could only happen here: A Brazilian judge tells Bolsonaro to wear a mask and behave himself

President reminded he is not above the law and risks fine if he continues to break rules

On Monday, a federal judge ruled Bolsonaro was not above the laws of the federal district, which contains Brazil’s capital, and would face a daily fine of 2,000 reais (£310) if he continued to break the rules. The use of masks has been compulsory there since late April.

“The president of the republic must take all necessary measures to avoid the transmission of Covid-19 – be that in order to protect his own health or that of those around him,” Renato Coelho Borelli ruled, according to a transcript published by the Estado de São Paulo newspaper.

The judge cited Brazil’s oath of office in which presidents vow to “uphold, defend and fulfil the constitution, obey the laws [and] promote the wellbeing of the Brazilian people”.

“That’s to say, the president is constitutionally obliged to follow the country’s existing laws, as well as promote the wellbeing of the population, which means taking the necessary measures to … prevent the propagation of a virus that is spreading rapidly and often silently.”

The Guardian:

Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.