Republican Candidate’s Daughters Beg Voters Not to Vote For Him

A racist republican candidate for a state house seat in Michigan is getting national attention after his daughters tweeted their desperate pleas for people not to vote for him.

Robert Regan, 52, is trying for the third time to represent the 73rd district in western Michigan. He is a proud conservative who bigly opposes Governor Gretchen Whitmer, believes Black Lives Matter is destructive and that antifa exists as an organization, is anti-immigration and wants to make English the official language of Michigan, and burned his absentee ballot at a demonstration.

Regan says his daughter’s big thing is systemic racism in the country.

“She’s a big believer in that,” he continued, while adding, “The only place where I really see systemic racism would be the abortion clinic cause they seem to target the African American community.” 

Regan insists he is proud of his daughters for speaking their mind, even if it disses dear old dad. He believes he raised them right.

“Then when they go off to college, quite frankly they get involved with these Marxist/socialist universities and they start getting indoctrinated with things that are completely polar opposite from where you raised them,” Regan said. 

See the local story here, and also at The Hill.