SCOTUS: Trump is not ‘categorically immune’ from a Grand Jury subpoena

In Trump v. Vance, the Supreme Court has ruled that a subpoena to a sitting president does not have to meet a heightened standard. In other words, the president is not above the law and must hand over his tax returns to a grand jury in New York.

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a prosecutor’s demand for President Donald Trump’s tax returns as part of a criminal investigation that includes hush-money payments to women who claim they had affairs with Trump.

The court ruled 7-2 in a case in which it heard arguments by telephone in May because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The records are held by Trump’s longtime accounting firm, Mazars USA, which has said it would comply with a court order.

It probably will be at least several weeks before the court issues a formal judgment that would trigger the turnover of the records.

Associated Press:

In a second ruling on Trump’s taxes and financial records, the Court ruled that Trump doesn’t have to turn over his records to Congress at this time.

House subpoenas for President Trump’s financial documents will remain blocked the Supreme Court said, sending a controversial case back down to the lower court for further review.

The vote count was 7-2.


Both cases will go back to the lower courts and Trump can argue and challenge them.

Trump’s bigly pissed off:

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