The RNC intends to buy a boatload of Skittles new book

"Liberal Privilege" will be released next month

The RNC is buying copies of the first son’s forthcoming “Liberal Privilege,” which it will offer to donors who contribute at least $75. The committee orchestrated a similar fundraising campaign last year around Trump’s previous book, “Triggered” — a move that led to accusations that the RNC was boosting sales to land him in the coveted top slot of The New York Times bestseller list.

Republican officials insist the goal is simply to use the book as a fundraising tool. The committee spent over $100,000 on copies of “Triggered,” which resulted in donations totaling around $1 million, and allies of the younger Trump argued that the book would have risen to the top of the bestseller list regardless, given his loyal conservative following.

“Don Jr.’s first book was a fundraising powerhouse for the party, and we have no doubt this book will be the same,” said Mandi Merritt, an RNC spokeswoman. “His books are highly popular with donors across the country, and the money raised will help us deliver victories in November.”


Article submitted by, Great Gazoo.