Geraldo Rivera Says Trump Brave to Wish Ghislaine Maxwell Well

Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera said Trump was brave at his coronavirus press briefing to wish accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell “well.”

Trump was asked on Tuesday whether Ghislaine Maxwell would “turn in powerful men” in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex ring.

Here is Geraldo’s interesting support for the president and the defense for the alleged sex offender.

Rivera’s defense of Maxwell comes days after he lambasted the judge assigned to the Epstein associate’s case. Shortly after U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan denied Maxwell bail and set her trial for next July, Rivera accusing Nathan of “chickening out” and caving to the “mob.”

“They are punishing her before conviction,” he exclaimed on July 14. “She has never been held liable in a civil suit, never been convicted of a crime. She is not Jeffrey Epstein.”

This was at the Daily Beast.