Judge sentences Youngstown woman for sex acts with 2 dogs

A judge sentenced 40 year old Tiffany Riley to 90 days of house arrest and ordered her to pay a $750 fine. She will also be prohibited from having pets for life.

  • Tiffany pleaded guilty sex acts with two Shih Tzu dogs. 
  • The sex act has been described as a threesome. 
  • Her attorney says she was drunk.

Police charged Riley after an investigation of a video showing a woman engaging in sex acts with the dogs, one of which was pregnant with puppies. WKBN had contacted investigators after receiving tips about the video.

  • Riley’s home was burned down since the crime, the cause is unknown.

WKBN Youngstown

Special shout-out to Joe the Jernalist [sic] from Ohio for today’s news tip!

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