Audi pulls ad showing young girl eating banana in front of car

The so-called cancel culture has come for Audi for the latest RS4 Avant ad that was posted to Twitter. It’s actually a part of an extended campaign that features all family members, and shows a little girl leaning on the front end of the wagon. The idea, in theory, makes sense: since this is a family car, it’s expected to see children around it. 


It didn’t take long for comments on social media to point out that the young model is standing in a potentially dangerous position.

“Nice that you show how children can easily be killed by your cars. You can’t even see them out of the car,” one person wrote in German.

“Are you crazy?” another Twitter user asked. “Is this advertising to kill children?”

Some Twitter users also expressed their feelings about “phallic symbol” in the little girl’s hand.

Which led Audi to apologize.

NY Daily


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