Racist GOP Conspiracy Theorist Wins Primary in Georgia

Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her belief in a QAnon conspiracy theory, defeated a neurosurgeon in a northwest Georgia primary race.

Greene, a businesswoman, primarily self-funded her candidacy and won her first round in June by a 19-point margin. House minority leader Kevin McCarthy denounced her at that point, but the GOP was essentially hands off in the following two months. Only Steve Scalise actively worked on her opponent’s behalf, while McCarthy officially stayed neutral and said he had a good relationship with both Greene and her neurosurgeon opponent, John Cowan.

Some GOP members, including Freedom Caucus member Jim Jordan, supported Greene.

In June Politico uncovered racist videos of Greene on Facebook disparaging Muslims, blacks, and George Soros.

In recordings obtained by POLITICO, Greene described Islamic nations under Sharia law as places where men have sex with “little boys, little girls, multiple women” and “marry their sisters” and “their cousins.” She suggested the 2018 midterms — which ushered in the most diverse class of House freshmen — was part of “an Islamic invasion of our government” and that “anyone that is a Muslim that believes in Sharia law does not belong in our government.”

In other videos, she directly compared Black Lives Matter activists to the neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan members who marched at a white nationalist rally three years agoin Charlottesville, Va., denouncing them all as “idiots.” And Greene forcefully rejected the notion there are racial disparities in the U.S. or that skin color affects the “quality” of one’s life: “Guess what? Slavery is over,” she said. “Black people have equal rights.”

Complete story is at Politico.