Today’s Loser, Loosing it [sic]

‘Godly Man’ Throws Tantrum at Walmart, Calls Woman B-Word in Mask Policy Argument!

Today’s loser is from a Walmart in Anchorage. 

Video posted to Twitter Saturday shows a man without a mask walking quickly toward a Walmart exit before turning around and pointing at a worker, telling her to “get back on your highway to hell and get out of a godly man’s face.”

The workers exchange more words with the man before he starts to head out the door, the video shows. As he passes through the first set of doors, he turns around and flips off a worker, saying, “Please return to your service of Satan in your ignorant belief you are right.”

The Walmart employees continue to tell the man to “have a good day”, it seemed to only enrage him even more.

Enjoy and amen.

Lots more details at the Sac Bee

About Surley 2558 Articles
No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it