Mayor of Portland tells Trump:’It’s you who have created the hate;’ Trump fires back

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler called out Trump during a press conference addressing a shooting at a protest that left one person dead.

Mayor Ted Wheeler also called for those seeking “retribution” for the shooting to “stay away” from the city. He said he’s meeting with state a local law enforcement later Sunday and is aware the shooting could be a “potential flashpoint.” 

“That’s why I’m asking people, if you’re from out of town and you’re reading something on social media, please understand, if you’re reading any facts on social media, they’re probably wrong, because we don’t have all the facts yet.”

He added, “This is not the time to get hotheaded because you read something on Twitter that some guy made up in his mother’s basement.”

Immediately following Wheeler’s press conference, Trump took to Twitter to attack him:

Earlier Sunday, Joe Biden released the following statement denouncing all violence.

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