US District Judge orders Georgia to extend deadline for residents to return absentee ballots

Washington (CNN) A federal judge on Monday filed an order to extend the receipt deadline for absentee ballots in Georgia, mandating ballots postmarked by Election Day and delivered within three days must be counted.

US Northern District of Georgia Judge Eleanor Ross wrote in the order that these “extraordinary times” are cause for relief for voters.
“The Court notes it is reluctant to interfere with Georgia’s statutory election machinery. However, where the risk of disenfranchisement is great, as is the case here, narrowly tailored injunctive relief is appropriate,” Ross wrote.
“Consequently, the Court finds that extending the absentee ballot receipt deadline by three … business days is appropriate. The Court emphasizes that the equitable relief it provides is limited to the November 2020 election during these extraordinary times.”
Article submitted by, Runswift9.