Trump Nominee Linked with Firing of Prosecutor Opposed to Family Separation

One person familiar with the matter said that Lan was also regularly invited to immigration meetings at the White House in 2017 and 2018 that were chaired by Stephen Miller, a senior White House official who is known to espouse white nationalist views…

Emails seen by the Guardian show that a DoJ official in Texas named Jose Gonzalez sent a memo to Richard Durbin, the then-acting US attorney in the western district, in September 2017, which outlined concerns about Stern…

Stern, the memo said, was “particularly disturbed” by cases in which defendants could not locate their children, and was telling other prosecutors that he believed the parents in the cases were “often fleeing violence in their home countries”…

Durbin forwarded the memo to Lan and said in an email that Stern had been “somewhat difficult to deal with”…

Stern was sent a termination letter that ended his El Paso posting on 20 September 2017, two weeks after concerns were first raised with Lan and other officials in Washington.


Article submitted by, salticidae.