‘The Caller Told Them I Was Going To Open Fire On The Police’: A Black Writer Discusses Swatting

Leonard Pitts Jr , Pulitzer-Prize winning columnist for The Miami Herald

At 4:48 a.m. on a Sunday, Leonard Pitts Jr. woke up to a call from the police department in his Maryland suburb.

Leonard Pitts Jr.

“The caller identified himself as the Bowie Police Department and asked if I’d looked outside my window lately,” Pitts says. “He tells me that half the city of Bowie’s police department is at my front door, and they’ve received a call that I’ve murdered my wife, and I need to come downstairs.”

The Pulitzer-Prize winning columnist for The Miami Herald says that in the dark hours of the morning on that June 30, he was “swatted.”

Full article at: WBUR
