Nebraska Man makes Plea That Boneless Chicken Wings be Renamed

"We would be disgusted if a butcher was mislabeling their cuts of meats, but then we go around pretending as though the breast of a chicken is its wing?"

A Nebraska man’s plea to the Lincoln City Council is going viral after he passionately laid out the case for the city’s restaurants and stores to stop claiming chicken tenders are “boneless chicken wings.”

Ander Christensen, 27, whose father, Roy Christensen, is a Lincoln city councilman, appeared before the governing body at a public meeting and encouraged the city “to be a social leader in this country.”

“I beg your pardon, but do I look boneless to you?”

“We can take these steps and show the country that’s where we stand and that we understand that we’ve been living a lie for far too long, and we know it, because we feel it in our bones.”

“I would love nothing more than to have boneless chicken wings removed from menus,” he told the New York Times. “Don’t call it something it’s not.”

Councilman Christensen said his son’s viral plea did not fall on deaf ears.

“Officially, the issue is being taken under advisement by the City Council,” he said.

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