Van Morrison Releasing New Songs to Protest Lockdown

Condemns UK Government, Scientists, and Celebrities

“No more lockdown / No more government overreach / No more fascist bullies / Disturbing our peace …

No more taking of our freedom / And our God-given rights / Pretending it’s for our safety / When it’s really to enslave …”

Such are the lyrics to one of Van Morrison’s new songs he’s written to protest against safety measures to prevent COVID-19.

“I’m not telling people what to do or think,” he said in a statement. “The government is doing a great job of that already. It’s about freedom of choice. I believe people should have the right to think for themselves.”

The song, No More Lockdown, also says scientists are making up crooked facts.

Another track, As I Walked Out, criticizes the UK government in reference to the fatality rate of COVID-19. A government website says that COVID-19 is no longer a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK — which would have up to a 50% fatality rate. At its high point, the UK fatality rate peaked at 15.7%

Weekly positivity cases are increasing in England, and Boris Johnson says the government is doing everything they can to avoid another lockdown.

The Northern Irish singer Van Morrison has been performing live with socially distanced gigs, but says it’s not economically viable.

Last month, Morrison called on his “fellow singers, musicians, writers, producers, promoters and others in the industry to fight with me on this. Come forward, stand up, fight the pseudo-science and speak up.”

From The Guardian and MSN.

Such a bummer……