GOP Senate Report Out on Hunter Biden

"Problematic" for Obama Policy But Shows No Proof of Real Impact

The hyped report from Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley on Hunter Biden is out, just weeks before the presidential election, and days before the first debate between Trump and Biden.

The GOP report makes a conclusion that “Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma’s board was problematic and did interfere in the efficient execution of policy with respect to Ukraine,” while charging that he and other Biden relatives “cashed in on Joe Biden’s vice presidency.”

The GOP senators acknowledge in their report it is “not clear” how much U.S. policy was impacted because of Hunter Biden’s work for Ukraine gas company Burisma Holdings, but argue that it created an “awkwardness” for the Obama-era State Department.

The Biden campaign made a statement before the release of the report accusing Johnson of trying “to subsidize a foreign attack against the sovereignty of our elections with taxpayer dollars — an attack founded on a long-disproven, hardcore right-wing conspiracy theory that hinges on Sen. Johnson himself being corrupt and that the senator has now explicitly stated he is attempting to exploit to bail out Donald Trump’s reelection campaign.”

No evidence has been uncovered that implicates criminal wrongdoing by either Biden.

The committee agreed to release transcripts of the depositions taken for the report. The transcripts were not released on Wednesday, but a spokesman for Johnson said the transcripts would be released later on Wednesday.

Gary Peters, the top Democrat on the committee had warned the GOP of releasing the report without transcripts would weaken the committee’s ability to “effectively carry out its responsibilities on behalf of the public in the future.”

See the story at WaPo and The Hill.