Biden Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

The Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a member of the British Parliament.

Chris Bryant, a member of the Labour Party, said, “When others have resorted to violent solutions, [Biden] has argued that the best force is the force of argument. Because guns can stop a heart but well-placed words can change many hearts, and many hearts can change a world.”

Any head of state or national politician can nominate someone for the prize. So far, 318 people or entities have been nominated for the 2020 prize.

In 2019, Trump said:

 “I think I’m gonna get a Nobel Prize for a lot of things, if they gave it out fairly, which they don’t.

“They gave one to Obama immediately upon his ascent to the presidency, and he had no idea why he got it. And you know what? That was the only thing I agreed with him on.”

from Newsweek

See story at The Hill