Trump’s Physician Expects Him To Return to Public Events on Saturday

“Saturday will be day 10 since Thursday’s diagnosis, and based on the trajectory of advanced diagnostics the team has been conducting, I fully anticipate the President’s safe return to public engagements at that time,” Navy Cmdr. Dr. Sean Conley wrote in a memo released by the White House Thursday evening.

His latest memo, which still does not say when the President’s last negative test occurred before his diagnosis, comes after Trump spun up his own claims about his health earlier in the day, including saying that he is no longer contagious with coronavirus, filling up the information void left by his doctors’ lack of public candor.

Trump told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo that he doesn’t believe he is contagious anymore and that he is ready to resume campaign rallies — environments where participants previously have not been required to social distance or wear masks. The President also said he is immune from catching coronavirus again.


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