Fauci Talks After Trump Ad: We’re In a Bad Place

As Trump held a potential superspreader event in Florida, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Shepard Smith on CNBC that “we’re in a bad place.”

“We have a baseline of infections now that varies between 40 and 50,000 per day. That’s a bad place to be when you’re going into the cooler weather of the fall and the colder weather of the winter,” Fauci said.

Fauci also discussed the politicization of mask wearing, while he insists it’s a gateway to economic recovery from the virus.

While Fauci was critical of the Trump campaign ad that used a Fauci quote out of context, the top infectious disease expert maintained that he would not abandon his position no matter who was president when asked if he had “put up with too much.”

See Reuters and CNBC.