Strip down, saddle up: Naked bikers hit Philadelphia streets

In this photo provided by David Cimetta, Melanie and Jim OâConnor paint each other’s nude body while standing next to their bicycles before the start of the Philly Naked Bike Ride in Philadelphia on Saturday Aug. 24, 2019. (David Cimetta via AP)

Hundreds of bicyclists have been caught with their pants down — and their shirts and underwear off, too.

The cyclists gathered in a Philadelphia park on Saturday to disrobe before saddling up and setting off on the annual Philly Naked Bike Ride.

About 3,000 riders pedal a 10-mile (16-kilometer) course around the City of Brotherly Love while taking in sights including Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, organizers say. Some riders wear their birthday suits while others flaunt their underwear or sport just a splash of body paint and glitter.

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