Trump Rally Crowd Chants ‘Lock Her Up’ About Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

The crowd watching President Donald Trump speak Saturday in Muskegon, Michigan, chanted “Lock her up!” at the mention of the state’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer. The commander in chief appeared to agree when he responded nonchalantly, “Lock them all up.” 

In early October, federal agents arrested 14 men and charged them with plotting to kidnap Whitmer and attack the Michigan Capitol building, an incident the president did not mention Saturday. Whitmer has long been the subject of Trump’s ire and insults, regardless of the plot against her, in response to the public health measures she has taken against the coronavirus pandemic. 

In the run-up to the 2016 election, Trump’s supporters often yelled the same chant about his opponent Hillary Clinton.

Daily Beast

There have also been kidnapping/death threats against Virginia (D) Governor Ralph Northam and Wichita (D) Mayor Brandon Whipple over masks etc.

BTW, I found images of all 14 very fine people (terrorists) that were involved in the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor (D) Gretchen Whitmer.

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