MAGA Scrambles To Push The Hunter Biden Narrative and Rudy Gets Offended

When Rudy Giuliani first regurgitated a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop he promised a treasure trove of damning information to come before the election.

Since then, Giuliani has been lurking around conservative media looking for takers.

The Wall Street Journal and Fox News have both reported that there is no evidence that Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Other conservative outlets like Breitbart and OAN seem reluctant to publish the most salacious allegations, and collectively conservative media has resorted to the general narrative that deep state media are suppressing the story from America.

Tucker Carlson had a 45-minute interview last night with Tony Bobulinkski, Hunter’s former business partner, to lay out the allegations against the Biden family.

Rudy Giuliani has had to grovel for media crumbs, insisting that only he has the truth, but that he is “not allowed on main television to tell you these things.”

–see Politico

Rudy had his chances on Fox Business with the host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery, but she insulted him by comparing his smear campaign to Christopher Steele’s. Angry Rudy demanded an apology immediately.

–see The Guardian

So the job may be best left to our orange President, who hates talking about others in a negative way………..but……..