Trump Campaign Drops Las Vegas Challenge of Ballot Counts

Trump and Nevada Republicans have dropped their challenge to ballot counting in the Las Vegas area. Las Vegas, in Clark County, is a Democratic-leaning county. The case centered around poll watchers.

The Nevada Supreme Court dismissed an appeal at the request of the Trump campaign and Nevada Republicans.

The campaign and GOP had tried to withdraw the appeal in the state case, submitting a document last week telling the seven-member court that it had reached a settlement calling for Clark County election officials to allow more observers at a ballot processing facility.

However, not all the parties in the lawsuit signed the agreement. The case also involved the national and state Democratic parties, the Nevada secretary of state and the Clark County registrar of voters.

There are two cases remaining in the state, and a small number of ballots are still being counted.

  • One of those cases includes a woman who said she tried to vote in person but was told a mailed ballot with her signature had already been received, and a political strategist and TV commentator who said he was denied an opportunity to observe ballot counting late on election night.
  • There is also a public records lawsuit in state court with a Nov. 20 deadline for the Clark County registrar of voters to turn over to the Trump campaign and the state GOP the names, party affiliations, work schedules and job responsibilities of more than 300 people who were hired to count ballots.

Vote counting in Nevada ends Thursday.

See the story at AP and The Hill