Scott Atlas Calls Dr. Fauci a “Political Animal”

Donald Trump’s chief coronavirus guru Dr. Scott Atlas called Dr. Fauci a political animal on Tuesday in an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

The host and Atlas accused the nation’s top infectious disease expert of timing his comments in a political assault on the president’s response to the pandemic by withholding information about Pfizer’s vaccine until after the election.

Atlas said he thought Dr. Fauci had “cheered up” after the election.

“There’s all kinds of prognostications that were made — all negative, all to undermine what the reality of the timelines were, all to undermine the president,” Atlas added of Fauci’s comments. “And I think, you know, once you do that sort of thing and make yourself a political animal, basically, you lose your credibility.”

Of course after Atlas made his politically motivated comments on Ingraham’s opinion-based program, he called for no more criticisms in the media and saving lives.
