Scottish Leader Says She Would Hold Trump Accountable in Turnberry Probe

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish government, said that Trump would face “due accountability” if evidence is found linking money laundering or other financial fraud to his Scottish golf resorts.

Sturgeon’s comments in Parliament were in response to a call from the co-leader of the Scottish Green Party to seek an “unexplained wealth order” to determine the source of funding for Trump’s $60 million cash purchase of his golf resort, Trump Turnberry, in 2014. This was when his U.S. tax returns showed vast losses that allowed him to avoid paying any income taxes. Trump also owns the Trump Aberdeen resort in Scotland.

The Scotish leader said she wouldn’t protect “the soon-to-be former president of the United States” from “due accountability in Scotland” if wrongdoing is found. An investigation, including an unexplained wealth order, would be up to the Crown Office, the independent public prosecution system in Scotland, Sturgeon added. 

Huffington Post