Trump’s National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien Says It Looks Like Biden Has Won

Trump’s National Security Council is preparing for a “very professional transition” because it looks like Biden has won, according to national security adviser Robert O’Brien in an interview with The Hill that aired on Monday.

Known as a Trump loyalist, O’Brien said that the Biden team is “going to have very professional folks who are coming in to take these positions, many of whom have been here before and spent a lot of time in the White House in prior administrations. And the great thing in the United States of America, we’ve passed the baton and had peaceful successful transitions even in the most contentious periods.”

O’Brien also sprinkled his remarks with references to the president departing Washington. For example, he called a peace deal Trump helped broker between Israel and some Gulf Arab countries “a great legacy for the president to have as he leaves office.”

More at NBC News.