After Repeatedly Vowing He’d Never Get COVID-19, Pastor E.W. Jackson Reveals He Contracted It


Jackson regularly used his “The Awakening” radio program downplay the severity of the pandemic while railing against those who refused to blame China for the virus, going so far as to say that anyone who refused to do so should be investigated for treason.

In March, Jackson boldly proclaimed that God was protecting both President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence from contracting the virus and repeatedly declared that he would never contract it because he was also being protected by God.

“I will not get the coronavirus,” Jackson guarantee. “Who do you think you are? How can you say that? Because I asked God to protect me from it. I confessed Psalm 91 over my life and over the life of my congregation and over the life of our families and we’re not getting it.”

Right Wing Watch

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