What Matters: Don’t ignore Trump’s election mischief. Take it seriously

Trump was clearly rejected by voters at the polls — nearly 6 million more people chose Biden — and his legal challenges in multiple states have all faltered.

But those lawsuits have had a very real effect, sowing or solidifying doubts in the minds of his supporters about the election results.

Mistrust of democracy.

“Both here and around the world we are seeing a reduction in the confidence people have in voting,” Romney said.

“And if people don’t believe in voting, and don’t have confidence in voting, how can you have democracy, because democracy is fundamentally based on people voting.”

“And if the United State of America doesn’t believe that we have voting that’s reliable, why, how can you expect a country that’s just becoming a democracy to adopt this practice and use it as a basis for determining its future.”


Article submitted by, pccommentary.