Rudy Giuliani Announces Sidney Powell is no Longer ‘a Member of the Trump Legal Team’

In a brief statement released Sunday afternoon,President Trump‘s lead attorney Rudy Giuliani and senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis said that Powell “is not a member of the Trump Legal Team.”

“She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity,” the former New York City mayor added.

The statement followed a series of media appearances from Powell during which she made baseless allegations of widespread nationwide election fraud.

The Hill

On November 14, Trump said she was a member of his legal team.

Also, The Dream Team is appealing yesterday’s court case in Pennsylvania that was dismissed.

Listen to Sidney Powell go completely nutter, accusing Georgia Governor Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State of being part of a conspiracy against Trump. The CIA is also involved she says, the  Dominion VotingSystems is in cahoots with them and Hugo Chavez returns from the dead.
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