Arizona certifies Biden’s victory over Trump

Arizona officials on Monday certified the state’s election results, affirming President-elect Joe Biden as the winner at the same time President Trump‘s legal team was levying unfounded claims of fraud at an event in the state.

Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Gov Doug Ducey (R) and state Attorney General Mark Brnovich were all in attendance to sign off on the documents that declared Biden had won the state by more than 10,000 votes. Both Hobbs and Ducey vouched for the accuracy and security of the election, even as Trump has continued to sow doubt about the outcome.

“Every Arizona voter has my thanks and should know that they can stand proud that this election was conducted with transparency, accuracy and fairness in accordance with Arizona’s laws and elections procedures despite numerous unfounded claims to the contrary,” Hobbs said at the brief signing event.

“The system is strong, and that is why I have bragged on it so much,” Ducey added.

Full story at The Hill

In other related news Rudy Guiliani is holding a pretend “Senate Hearing” in a run down Arizona hotel conference room, having a circle jerk with so-called experts and witnesses with people oooooh’ing and aaaaah’ing.

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About forkless 304 Articles
Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon