14 Senior Army Leaders Fired or Suspended at Fort Hood

The Army announced Tuesday that 14 senior leaders and enlisted personnel were fired or suspended following an investigation of the command climate at the base in the wake of the killing of Spc. Vanessa Guillen.

The investigative panel found that the Army’s sexual harassment prevention office at the post and Army-wide was “structurally flawed.”

Fort Hood leads the Army with the number of violent crimes and cases of sexual assault and harassment.

Maj. Gen. Scott Efflandt, who was the top military commander at the post when Giullen was killed, is being relieved of duty.

The entire command team for Guillen’s unit, the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, was also relieved of duty. The command leadership of general officers who run the 1st Cavalry Division have also been suspended pending further results of a new investigation into the division’s command climate.

ABC News