Rudy McTooty Calls Radio Program, Says the Cocktail is Working

America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani called in to WABC Radio on Tuesday and said he felt 100 percent better after taking the expensive cocktail that was given to Trump on Trump’s advice.

“His doctor sent me here,” Giuliani said. “He talked me into it. I didn’t really want to go to the hospital, and he said, ‘Don’t be stupid, you can get it over with in three days if we send you to the hospital.'”

 “It works very quickly — wow!”

Giuliani said he did not know that the drugs he received, remdesivir and dexamethasone, are very expensive and not widely available to the public.

Giuliani, who is 76 years old, added that he has no fever, a “very little cough,” and expects to be released from the hospital on Wednesday morning.

When asked if contracting the virus would change his views, he said he’d rather take risks than live in a basement.

BusinessInsider and RawStory