Man Wearing Trump Mask and Santa Beard With Hat Shoots Brother-in-Law

In Rohnert Park, California, a man wearing a Santa beard and hat with a Donald Trump mask walked up to his former brother-in-law’s open garage on Saturday around 11:20am while carrying a “present” and a duffel bag. When the 77-year old estranged relative met him in the driveway, he was shot twice.

Gerald Jacinth, 75, of Las Vegas, was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. He was wearing the apparent disguise when he parked across the street from his brother-in-law’s home and approached to hand him a package, department officials said.

Even with two gunshot wounds, the victim was able to take a picture of the attacker as he fled. When the victim’s wife called 911, police were able to respond within one minute, and the man was aprehended and surrendered to police. Officers found a .380 handgun in the duffel bag, while the present left in the driveway was determined by a bomb squad to contain only a towel.

NBC and local source.