Sidney Powell Thinks Georgia Senate Runoff May Be ‘Rigged’ to Favor GOP

Former Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell on Tuesday claimed that Georgia election officials may have “rigged” the state’s January 5 special runoff elections so that the state’s Republican Senate incumbents will win.

During Powell’s interview on The Rush Limbaugh Show, an interviewer asked her whether she thought Republicans should vote in the state’s special election despite her belief that the state’s presidential elections were rigged to provide an outcome for Democratic President-elect Joe Biden.

“Well, my concern is that it’s not going to matter how the people vote in the Georgia race,” Powell said. “It obviously didn’t matter how they voted nationwide, did it?”

When the interviewer said that he wanted Republicans to vote in the upcoming special election “in incredible numbers” adding, “I want all eyes on this because we cannot hand the Senate to these people, Sydney.”

Full story at Newsweek

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Part-time despot and Dutch mini-pancake connoisseur. Has been known to play a musical instrument or two, much to the chagrin of people and pets around him. Visit me on Mastodon