Vaccines Are Safe, No Matter What Bobby Kennedy Jr Says

“I love my uncle. But when it comes to vaccines, he is wrong” Kerry Kennedy Meltzer, internal medicine resident physician at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center

Robert Kennedy at a protest against coronavirus pandemic regulations in Berlin, this August.Credit…Clemens Bilan/EPA, via Shutterstock

My hospital, along with hundreds of others across the country, recently began to administer the first Covid-19 vaccines. My social media feed is filled with pictures of friends and colleagues, sleeves rolled up, writing about how much this vaccination means to them. In an otherwise dark year, it’s a moment of hope.

And yet, not everyone is celebrating the historic vaccine rollout. I stopped following my uncle Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — a noted anti-vaccination activist — on social media in 2019, when he was posting misinformation about the dangers of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine in the midst of an outbreak.

When I take a look at his Facebook page now, I find a post about the Covid-19 vaccine that says, “We clearly have a systematic problem when government health regulators have utterly abdicated their responsibility to safeguard public health and refer safety concerns about shoddily tested, zero-liability vaccines to pharmaceutical companies.”

Source: New York Times Supplement from Politico and Yahoo News