GOP Lawmaker Fires Back at Fox News Host Who Called for His Defeat: ‘Outrage for Profit’

Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois fired back at Fox News’ Mark Levin on New Year’s Eve after the host called for his defeat in the next GOP primary.

Levin called Kinzinger a “very devious and reckless politician,” and called on Republican voters to oust him in the next election cycle.

“He was elected as a Tea Party candidate 10 years ago and quickly turned on them. He is now an activist for the administrative state and against constitutionalists,” the host said. “He should be defeated at the ballot box in the next Republican primary.”

Kinzinger quickly responded by calling Levin “The Godfather of ‘outrage for profit'”

Kinzinger concluded the online dispute by sharing a headline from April 2016 that showed Levin saying, “I would never vote for Trump.” The Illinois lawmaker called the Fox News host’s statement, a “pre-grift.”

Levin initially targeted Kinzinger for publicly criticizing President Donald Trump and his allies over efforts to oppose the Electoral College certification of President-elect Joe Biden’s win.


I believe this video is what bunched Levin’s undies.

Article submitted by, pccommentary.